Ear Surgery
in Long Island, NY
Am I a Candidate
for Ear Surgery/Otoplasty?
If you have prominent ears that stick out from the head or want to correct any form of ear asymmetries such as folded/cupped ears, oversized lobes, or overly pointy ear tips, you are a good candidate for the procedure. Otoplasty can be performed at any age after the ears have reached their full size, usually around five or six years of age.
Patients should be in good health and have realistic expectations of the procedure’s outcome.

Ear surgery is an outpatient procedure that is performed under local or general anesthesia. Each procedure is customized to the patient, based upon their ears’ anatomy and their cosmetic goals.
During surgery, incisions are generally made behind the ear, in the natural crease where the ear meets the head, making scarring virtually undetectable. Then the cartilage is sculpted to reshape the ear into its new position and preferred shape.
Dr. Pincus may use several techniques to refine the shape or position of the ear cartilage. After that, sutures are placed to hold the ears in the new position and close the skin incision.
The surgery can take about two and a half hours to complete, though this will primarily depend on the extent of the repair and if correction is done on one or both ears.
Adult ear surgery candidates may choose to combine their otoplasty with other facial enhancement surgeries, such as facelift surgery, rhinoplasty (nose surgery), or eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty).
What Is Ear Surgery Recovery Like?

What Is Ear Surgery Recovery Like?
A dressing is placed around the head to protect the ears for the next three to four days. Patients can expect to experience some minor discomfort and pain, which is managed through pain medications, such as ibuprofen or TYLENOL®.
While recovery timelines will vary depending on the patient, most people can expect to resume regular duties within five days. School-aged children should be reminded to be careful in the playground and not apply pressure to the ears during the recovery process. Exercise and other non-contact sports should be performed with care after about three to four weeks.
Full recovery can be expected in two months.
What Results Can I Expect From Ear Surgery?
Patients can enjoy a symmetrical and attractive ear appearance that blends perfectly with other facial features. Final results will be visible in about two weeks, though small changes to the ear can be expected as recovery progresses.
If you are struggling with anxiety or feel you have to hide your prominent ears, you can permanently enjoy a more natural-looking appearance that allows your confidence to shine through.
Interested in Ear Surgery in Smithtown, NY?
Do you feel self-conscious about your ears and want to improve their appearance?
At Pincus Plastic Surgery, we have helped many patients with prominent or misshapen ears achieve a renewed self-image through ear surgery. Contact us today at 631-352-3556 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation.