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Breast Reduction Q & A

Alright, hey everybody, happy Friday from Pincus Plastic Surgery. I’m Dr. David Pincus. Doing a few questions and answers today. We get a ton of questions every day on all platforms and one of our most common procedures that we perform here are breast reductions. So I wanted to start there and answer some of the questions we get or the most common questions we get about breast reductions. So commonly, depending on what you do, assuming you don’t have a job where there’s manual labor, I would say about a week to 10 days of rest before you go back to work. You could probably go back to light duty in about five days if you’re working at a desk and you’re not lifting anything. If you have a job that requires you to lift anything more than five pounds, I would say take about two weeks off or so until you feel comfortable. As far as the gym is concerned, I think three weeks or so is fair, unless you’re doing high-intensity workouts where you’re throwing cinder blocks or tires around, then I would stretch it to about four weeks.

A lot of our breast reductions are covered by insurance. In fact, the majority of our breast reductions are covered by insurance.

If you have out-of-network benefits with your insurance company, my team is probably one of the most skilled in getting your insurance company, my team is probably one of the most skilled in getting your procedure covered in full.

Pincus Plastic Surgery

The team at Pincus Plastic Surgery would love to hear from you. If you have a question about a procedure or would like to schedule a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

New York Office

50 Route 111, Suite 300
Smithtown, NY 11787

Phone (631) 352-3556

Florida Office

875 Meadows Road #313
Boca Raton, FL 33486

Phone (561) 362-9700

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